The Supreme court has just awarded tRump full immunity from
just about anything he does…
Which opens the door to using the military to
capture, jail and even assassinate his political opponents.
The Florida Judge that tRump appointed
just threw out tRumps mis handling of top secret documents case
based on a phony interpretation of her twisted conservative ambitions…
she has ambitions or is being bribed by tRump
to become a Supreme Court in-Justice.
The democrats just shot themselves in the foot,
then cut off both legs when somehow they just realized
that good ‘ol Joe is 3 years older than tRump…
“come on Man”

Looks like they all agree that it would be much better to have
a convicted felon that has the youthful ambitions of a serial rapist…
Project 2025.
Let me unpack that bundle of shit…
Way back over 40 years ago, the “leaders” of the Christin church
with the help of the Heritage foundation
made a deal with the conservatives.
If they pandered to their church related agendas….
They would encourage their flock to
vote, support and heavily donate to their party.
In January 1981,
the Heritage Foundation published Mandate for Leadership,
It provided public policy guidance to the incoming Reagan administration,
and included
over 2,000 specific policy recommendations
on how the Reagan administration could utilize the federal government
to advance conservative policies.
Among the 2,000 Heritage proposals,
approximately 60% of them were implemented or initiated
by the end of Reagan’s first year in office.
Reagan later called the Heritage Foundation a “vital force” during his presidency.
The Heritage Foundation also supported the development of a new
ballistic missile defense system for the United States.
In 1983,

Reagan made the development of this new defense system,
known as ‘Star Wars’… or
the Strategic Defense Initiative, his top defense priority.
More proof that the church and their conservative agendas
are for the downfall of society…
Starting with gutting affordable health care.
The powerful Christin movement and Heritage was an opponent of the
Clinton health care plan, which died in the U.S. Senate the following year,
in August 1994.
The church and their powerful conservative weapon,
the Heritage foundation does what the church does best…
Encourages war and torture.
Following the September 11 attacks in 2001,
the Heritage Foundation supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
in the war on terror.
The Heritage Foundation challenged opposition to the war.
They defended the George W. Bush administration‘s treatment of
suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay.
During Obama’s terms…
The power of church and state aka Heritage foundation:
Opposed the Affordable Care Act.
the Heritage foundation stated the obvious:
In July 2015,
the leader of Heritage Action, the foundation’s advocacy arm, said,
“Donald Trump’s a clown. He needs to be out of the race.”
The following month, in August,
a Heritage Foundation economic writer, Stephen Moore,
criticized Trump’s policy positions, saying,
“the problem for Trump is that he’s full of all of these contradictions.
He’s kind of a tabula rasa on policy.”
In December 2015,
then Heritage Foundation executive vice president Kim Holmes,
opposing Trump’s candidacy, criticized Trump as “not a conservative.”
Holmes also criticized Trump supporters, writing that,
“they are behaving more like an alienated class of Marxist imagination
than as social agents of stability and tradition.
They are indeed thinking like revolutionaries,
only now their ire is aimed at their progressive masters and the institutions they control,”
Following Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election,
the Heritage Foundation obtained influence in his
presidential transition and administration;
at least 66 foundation employees
and alumni were hired into the Trump administration.
According to Heritage employees involved in developing the database,
several hundred people from the Heritage database ultimately received
jobs in government agencies, including
Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, Jeff Sessions, and others
who became members of Trump’s cabinet.
Jim DeMint, president of the Heritage Foundation from 2013 to 2017,
personally intervened on behalf of Mulvaney,
who was appointed to head the Office of Management and Budget
and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
and later served as Trump’s acting White House Chief of Staff.
The Heritage Foundation with the support of the church has set into motion:
The agenda for Trump’s next godaweful presidency.
The detailed plan to dismantle and reconstruct the government
laid out by conservative groups known as
the 2025 Presidential Transition Project
has critics up in arms over its “apocalyptic” and “authoritarian” nature.
The Heritage Foundation,
led an effort to create the more than 900-page “Mandate for Leadership,”
published in April 2023,
reimagining the executive branch
and presented a plan to overhaul several federal government agencies,
including the FBI, for the country’s next conservative president to follow.
What is in Project 2025?
With the support of the church,
which seems to have quite the history of
disenfranchising those they deem as worthless sinners
continue their attack on providing affordable health care for humanity…
among countless other UN-holy agendas…
With a common thread between this powerful farce of
‘church and state’…
Neither group can afford to have intelligent members…
any shred of critical thinking would expose their ‘crusade‘ against humanity.
They insist that their followers abandon any shred of critical thinking and compassion.
They are adamantly against free higher education like most developed nation have.
They must turn a blind eye to the social in-justices all through out history
and even to this day.
We have an angry mob of willfully ignorant, gun luvin’, under educated and
heartless Christian white supremist racists.
The mandate attacks several policies that former President
Barack Obama and President Joe Biden instituted,
including student loan forgiveness
and Obamacare.
It simultaneously calls for expanded executive power
for the commander-in-chief
while criticizing what Project 2025 members perceive as
overreaches by the Biden administration.
The plan also specifically addresses LGBTQ+ issues and attacks
“Radical gender ideology.”
In addition to calling for an end to the Department of Education,
it suggests legislation that would forbid educators from using
transgender students’ names or pronouns without
written permission from their guardians.
It also appears to oppose same-sex marriage and gay couples
adopting children by seeking to “maintain a biblically based,
social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family.”
Crockett = US Representative D-Texas:
“I don’t know why or how anybody can support Project 2025,” Crockett said.
“In the United States of America,
dictatorships are never funny,
and Project 2025 is giving the playbook for authoritarianism
as well as the next dictator to come in.”

Now with all the chaos the conservatives are getting away with,
I find ‘refuge’ in my Spiritual Path,
it helps me maintain my equanimity during the chaos of life.
I recently joined group called Meditation-Consciousness-Spirituality
The group’s founder turns out to be an ultra right winger that pollutes his followers with his
toxic self defeating rhetoric…
not the place I’d expect such unevolved drivel.
Here’s what I wrote about the dreadful experience…
it helps paint the picture of how deeply we are in for big trouble:
Antidotes to L Ron’s Buddhist Politics 501
The group’s founder, I encountered is a self-proclaimed
master of everything
more ‘Enlightened’ that anyone… In other words:
Someone that should be interested in
the welfare of the human condition.
That’s NOT what true Buddhist or anyone anywhere on a Spiritual Path does.
As a self-aggrandizing narcissistic ego-maniac
that considers himself to be enlightened
compared all others he criticizes…
He takes this stance to my comments on his long-winded article he made up about
the Buddha and Politics:
“Utterly ABSURD.
One has to be blind not to see what the American left,
utterly polluted by cultural Marxism and the “woke mind virus,”
has morphed into.
It couldn’t be clearer that
you’re a sponge for Deep State leftist propaganda,
have effectively outsourced your mind to them,
and don’t pay attention to (what he self-aggrandizes as)
astute independent political pundits on the right.”

Just like tRump,
this person accuses his adversaries with the shame of
doing exactly what they are doing and getting away with.
It’s an old psychological mind fuck game
psychopathic liars and con artiest do.
This asshole could not be further away from an ‘Enlightened’ Being.
His ultra-right wing BS political rants are indeed
‘utterly absurd’
to even make and argument that involves the Buddha and politics…
then to spew his made-up political projection
that supports his ultra wrong wing conspires crap!…
is all together… too much.

The Buddha’s main teachings were all about
liberating all beings from the pain and suffering inherent in life…
His only connection with politics were to
mentor kings and statesmen how to better serve the common man.
Just the opposed of what ‘the church’ and conservative politicians do.

For further insights into how our ‘empire is crumbling’…
Please read:
The Buddha Never Taught Politics