A Quool Quote by Thich Nhat Hanh from “The Art of Living”
We can contemplate emptiness in terms of interbeing across space
our relationship to everything and everyone around us.
We can also contemplate emptiness in terms of impermanence across time.
Impermanence means that
nothing remains the same thing in two consecutive moments.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus said,
“You can never bathe in the same river twice.”
The river is always flowing,
so as soon as we climb out onto the bank
and then return again to bathe,
the water has already changed.
even in that short space of time we too have changed.
In our body, cells are dying and being born every second.
Our thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and state of mind
are also changing from one moment to the next.
we cannot swim twice in the same river;
nor can the river receive the same person twice.
Our body and mind are an ever – changing continuum.
Although we seem to look the same,
and we are still called the same name,
we are different.
No matter how sophisticated our scientific instruments are,
we cannot find anything in our person that remains the same
and that we can call a soul or a self.
Once we accept the reality of impermanence,
we have to also accept the truth of no self.
rog note:
One can learn about this ‘Self-Realization’ through Spiritual
philosophies, psychology, and even neuroscience helps the “conventional mind” understand…
but to really know your True Self
takes abiding in the very deep end of mediation.
To help explain that process… Just know that…
Something very profound occurs when one
silences the mind long enough ///
first through focused concentration… then to surrendering into a ‘flow state’.
There are various names for this flow state:
It is essentially the highest state of conscious
that a human can attain…
It is indeed…
So many people claim they want to be closer to ‘God’…
but yet,
for various reasons…
they never find the volition to really do so.
if they did take these spiritual steps on this
Path to Self-Realization…
they will discover that
there really is not the person within that feels like
‘they’ are in charge of life as ‘we’ know it.
The person we are all born to believe is ‘us’…
is just a story created by our ego-mind-body…
once this is realized,
There is short moment that seems like ‘you’ are ‘God’… inseparably…
this is the nature of “non dual’ awareness…
in the next inseparable moment,
it is realized that there isn’t a “God” like we’ve imagined.
It much deeper than those naïve projections
from unevolved imaginations.
The Ultimate Truth is Always Already Alright…
and within each of ‘us’ to discover.
All one has to do is calm the mind long enough…
then the veil that hides our True Nature will be revealed.
“Zenfully Quool Quotes”…
Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
My aim is to present
a deeper, higher, wider, non-theological perspective
into common sense Spirituality
that most of us folks raised in the ‘west’ never get introduced to,
to fulfill life’s most intriguing questions…
All people from every spiritual, religious, and even
non-theological perspectives will find these Wisdoms
helpful in their day-to-day life…
and ease their minds on whatever comes after.
Use you Divine Freedom of choice…
Pursue the Inner Calling towards:
Non-Theological Common-Sense Spirituality