I am resuming my series of posts I call:
“Zenfully Quool Quotes”
The perfect way to restart this series is with
the venerable Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
His approach to Buddhism and life in general
takes on a strong foundation of
Loving Kindness.

All people from every spiritual, even religious, and especially
non-theological perspectives will find these Wisdoms
helpful in their day to day life.
This particular book is called:
“The Art of Living”
It was compiled by his notes he personally wrote
before his stroke in 2014.
He transcended this life in 2022.
The impressive part about this book is that
it integrates a lifetime of Practice and teaching…
At his mature age…
You can tell he doesn’t need to make any concessions
for any traditions that most up and coming monks may feel
obligated to not ruffling any feathers
by stating when a tradition is senselessly perpetuating teachings
that no longer serves their original purpose.
Such as the misbelief in “favorable rebirths” and reincarnation…
Projections about what comes after this life…
Answers to such curiosities are ineffable…
words could never begin to describe any sort of ‘after life’…
Even if it could be put into mere words…
Humanity is just not evolved enough
to even remotely comprehend this fascinating subject.
And certainly not being bestowed a “heavenly body”
by an imaginary ‘personal god’ and spending the rest of forever
at the feet of this “Lord”.
Please note:
Everyone is free to ‘believe’ in anything they wish,
as long as they do not negatively affect all other people’s life style
by making public political policies based on a particular ‘belief’ system
which is what is currently happening in our country despite the fact that
our country was founded on the separation of church and state
while allowing all citizens to worship and believe as they wish.
Thich Nhat Hanh tells it like it is,
with no misleading doctrines, dogmas, or hidden agendas.
With these “Zenfully Quool Quotes”…
My aim is to present a deeper, higher, wider,
non-theological perspective into common sense Spirituality
that most of us folks raised in the ‘west’ never get introduced to,
leaving only one option to fulfill life’s most intriguing questions…
What is the “purpose” of my life?
What is the meaning and interconnectedness of all life? And,
What is my place in this timeless wonder of it all.
That one and only option we westerners get was typically created by
Power driven egocentric misogynistic men,
That didn’t know where the sun went at night,
Thought the world was flat,
Thought slavery was perfectly fine,
And women had no human rights of their own…
Along with the atrocities of torturing to death
over 100 million innocent people
to save them from invisible made up ‘evil’
back in the good ‘ol Dark Ages…
one should be asking…
What else are they wrong about?!
When it comes to the most important subject in life,
if not the most profoundly intriguing…
Seek out the teachings of non- theological Spiritual Traditions
from a wide range of master’s
that have no political or religious agendas…
When you find the teachings that
do not contradict the other teachings
you will have a confidence that
they all point toward a common direction…
You will know… you’re on the “Right Path.”
With each step along this ‘Path’…
The pain and suffering that is inherent in everyone’s life…
Will become resolved by an experiential “knowing”.
You will not have to take someone’s word for it nor wait until ‘you’ die and
hope to go to an imaginary place, hopefully with a
nice young good looking sexy ‘heavenly body’…
yup, the choice is yours.
You can do a lot of hope, hope, hoping with blind faith…
or you can take up a Path of non-theological common sense Spirituality.