The Bahai Faith May Be The Most Reasonable Religion

But still… The definition of a ‘religion demands that: One must believe that there truly is an invisible god in the sky that has nothing better to do than be concerned with every moment of everything, including every thought, speech, and actions of… everything. However, The Baha’I Faith at least puts this personal God projection…

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Achieving Spiritual Immortality Right Now In This Life!

Rather than waiting to see if we will reincarnate into a ‘favorable rebirth’, achieve everlasting Nirvana, or get a “heavenly body” and spend the rest of forever at the ‘Lord’s’ feet… So that we’ll achieve eternal Spiritual Immortality… One can do what it takes right now in this ‘here & now’ to achieve Spiritual Immortality!…

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What Does Being an Atheist Really Mean These Daze?

These daze… It is popularly believed by the most popular religions, that… If you don’t believe in their archaic man made up projection of what they imagine ‘god’ to be… Then, You are an atheist… with unworthy evil, wrong, bad connotations. However, Consider the same church person, that goes to church every Sunday, That does…

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The Fallacy of Unconditional Love

Anyone inspired to take a Journey along a Spiritual Path, Will naturally want to express ‘Unconditional Love’. Years ago when learning Dzogchen it was recommended that one should always dedicate each meditation to the well-being of others. This sounded fine, as I don’t resonate with emotionally offering praise and adornments to a metaphorically created “Deity”.…

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The Conundrums of Worship and Petitionary Prayer

In most religions, it is expected that one expresses their devotion by strongly and emotionally offering endless prayers of praise and admiration. In the Hindu, Buddhist and Tibetan Bon traditions, their form of devotional prayer is called Bhakti or Bhatti. While a bit of this is helpful to get the aspirant to get in the…

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intro – The Meaning of Spirituality

Spirituality is: The quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul, or what could be considered our True Nature as discovered through an in-depth practice of “Self-Realization” as opposed to the desire, clinging and attachment to material or physical things. Thus a Spiritual practice will lead to our True Nature… of Happiness that…

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Meditation is a science, the systematic process of training the mind. It is the science of meditation that allows people from all walks of life to experience the same amazing benefits. A regular sitting practice has been shown to enhance concentration, lower blood pressure, and improve sleep. It is used to treat chronic pain, post…

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2- An Overview of the Ten Stages

With a more detailed focus on the first Thee stages along with the elements required to master them. At every Stage, all “ you ” really do is patiently and persistently hold intentions to respond in specific ways to whatever happens during your meditation. Setting and holding the right intentions is what’s essential. If your…

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3- Conscious Experience and the Objectives of Meditation

A MODEL OF CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE Consciousness consists of whatever we’re experiencing in the moment. It’s a lot like vision: just as the objects in our field of vision change from one moment to the next, objects in our field of conscious awareness, like sights, sounds, smells, and other external phenomena, also arise and pass away.…

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Stage One: Establishing a Practice The basic practice used in this book is quite simple. Direct your attention toward a well – defined meditation object. Whenever your attentions slips, redirect it back to that object. Repeat this as often as needed. Rather than jump right in, though, you’ll start with two preliminary practices to help…

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