Transcend and Include

My favorite contemporary philosopher Ken Wilber

points out in his book “A theory of Everything”.


Everything that has ever existed since the last ‘big bang’

can only sustain its self by the act of :

“Transcend and Include.”

To transcend to more advance sustainable aspects,

All things will naturally include what is the core usable parts…

Discard outdated useless parts…

Not by overpowering other things or even

disenfranchising any thing.

Everything thing from the smallest parts of

electrons, molecules, and organisms…

All the way up to human societies fall into this paradigm.

Small things don’t evolve to become more advanced things

by over powering or disenfranchising other things.

Human societies have never sustained themselves

when they attempt to expand their tribe by war…

If a society is disenfranchising other parts of that society…

Civil wars or sabotage or some sort of resistance

will eventually cause that ‘empire’ to crumble.

It is a psychological metric to determine

how far someone is on a human growth scale…

That metric is:

The ability to take someone else’s perspective.


To be able to stand in another’s shoes so to speak.

Taken to a more evolved perspective:

The more perspectives one can integrate into their logical mind set,

the better the outcome will be.

And so it is with societies.

Local populations will need to evolve to the point that

all societies can see the bigger picture,

of how we can live intelligently together.

Once we collectively evolve to this easy-to-understand paradigm…

As Maslow states:

We will go from living in a world of deficiencies….

To a world of abundance.