8 Guidance for Eternal Marital Bliss


The Distinction Between Love and Attachment in Personal Relationships

Zenfully Quool Quotes by my Mentor… Av Neryah ~ Love and attachment could not be more...

Does a loving relationship aid in spiritual growth, or is it a hindrance?

Zenfully Quool Quotes by my Mentor... Av Neryah ~ In the dynamics of the human...

The Simple Solution to Marital Distress – Part 5

“The development of Wisdom”. Though right concentration claims the last place among the factors of...

The Simple Solution to Marital Distress – Part 4

“Right Effort” The power of sustained concentration, itself required as the support for insight-wisdom. Wisdom...

The Simple Solution to Marital Distress – Part 3

Buddha's Noble Eight-Fold Path - Integrate Right View and Right Intention with “Right speech, Right...

The Simple Solution to Marital Distress – Part 2

In an open minded non-denominational light, there are some profound Truths to be found in...

The Simple Solution to Marital Distress – Part 1

Most of the issues in life, we choose to martyr ourselves unnecessarily in pain &...

Medicine‘ for a ‘Mid Life Wife Crises’ or a ‘Groom of Doom Syndrome’

Couples Mid-Marriage Inspirations  Often when the excitement of the ‘Honeymoon’ fades into the background of...

Review Your Life

This will help you determine where you are going... Based on where you've been. If...

Premarital considerations for Eternal Marital Bliss

Sit with pen, paper, keyboard Even a voice recorder or just video record your voice...