The Psychology Behind Integrating Jungian Phycology Techniques with Zen – Big Mind 2 of 3

This process compartmentalizes the countless parts of our mind

and how ‘it’ thinks about certain situations.

These mental departments become overwhelmed.

Since we are not typically in True Awareness of our many mental capacities,

These ‘voices’ carry on in the mind as if they are in charge.

In other words,

These ‘departments of egos’, distract us from logically and empirically

taking the larger picture, the broader perspective,

which one needs to make more balanced decisions.

There are some emotional egos that our rational minds are so

embarrassed or repulsed by that we choose to effectively ‘Dis-Own’ them.

These ‘issues’ can’t simply be ‘disowned’


we simply can’t be in denial of them – to make them go away.

They go ‘covert

All issues must be fully realized, and understood…

Before one can begin to Transcend them, Grow and Go Beyond

When these mental departments become ‘Disowned’…

They go undercover,

 they become a psychological ‘Shadow’.

We don’t see this trait in ourselves now, but we are highly sensitive of this in others,

So much that we are quick to be outraged.

We can begin to experience ourselves more completely, and

there’s no greater joy, than experiencing yourself as a

Fully Functioning Integrated Human Being.

Once we begin to ‘speak’ from a disowned voice,

we begin the process of

Re-Integrating it…

and that process can take time…

The Big Mind exercise expedites this ‘learning curve’

The psychology behind working thru our ‘shadows’

 helps liberates us from

the ‘hidden beatings’ we bring upon ourselves

automatically and ‘unconsciously’.

By imagining that you, as an experiment, ‘become’ that voice’.

Take its perspective as fully as possible,

Thus bringing to light these deeper insights to our consciousness.

It is helpful,

that as you take on the different ‘voices’,

 you should shift your position in your sitting. 

Perhaps the Protector would sit rigidly upright whereas

the Victim would hold a more insecure stance…

These are just subtle ways to help us… 

‘become’ that voice’.

~ Sit comfortably and ‘breath into your meditative zone’ ~

With the voice of your mind – ask to speak the voice of the ‘Facilitator’.

The internal Facilitator will be the transition bridge to other voices.

Ask the Facilitator to now speak to the

Voice of the ‘controller’.

Get to know each of these voices within,

and be mindful of other voices that arise.


after you have completed your first Big Mind ‘voice dialog’ session,

take your thoughts to an even deeper perspective by

Taking notes

Writing down your thoughts can also help sort out

the new and deeper insights one has within.


one may re-discover formerly ‘Dis-owned’ voices

or ‘Shadow’ departments of our mind processes

We may discover painful past emotions that were not resolved…

but just swept under the carpet of our minds…

We can then use the ‘Higher Departments of our minds’

to help resolve these issues as best as possible,


allowing us to Transcend those issues.

We transcend to higher and more adequate perspectives while

Including the worthy components


acknowledging the wisdom of the experience as a whole

to help Integrate a Wider and Deeper World View of Life,

by living a more psychologically Balanced Life.