Our love story started 12 years ago. Chris and I met online.
I created a Craigslist ad looking for people to hang out with
because the majority of my friends had all left town after college
or gotten married.
I was hoping to find some people that I could
have some things in common with and that we could do fun stuff.
After we met it was immediately clear that we
wanted to be more than friends.
It was as close to what love at first sight could be.

We were engaged a few months later and got married in 2007.
Chris and I are very opposite from each other
but also very complimentary.
He is introverted and I’m very extroverted.
We tend to bring out the best in each other …
and sometimes the worst.
We love each other very much! We like to play and laugh a lot!
We had our daughter almost 5 years ago. She is the light of our lives
and keeps us quite busy and we love every minute of it!

A Heartfelt Luv Story – Blessing
Craigslist is a realistically reasonable place to meet.
Do you really want to meet your soul mate in a bar?
Opposites not only attract but they are
a great formula for Marital Teamwork
Raising your daughter is teaching you both a lesson in Spirituality…
The higher consciousness required to put someone else above and beyond your needs
is a priceless and fulfilling lesson that simply would not have been possible otherwise.
Fulfillment, togetherness, transcendence and joy.
We are Always Already Alright and complete,
But the True Love of a Soul Mate helps us to
‘Be’ everything we were meant to Be