Within one’s inner silence one can hear
a thousand Whispers of Wisdom…
With skillful means
Find that Inner Silence…
And abide.

During the deeper states of meditation
one’s consciousness offers a perspective that is
beyond anything previously experienced.
Even lucid dreams, for the most part…
don’t compare.
Most dreams are not lucid,
there is some sort of awareness involved…
Kind of like watching a movie.
If you’re able to become lucid, it manifests in varying degrees.
I have tried to practice lucid dreams many times in the past,
But lately,
I’ve found that my meditation practice has achieved more
than my efforts towards lucid dreaming.
The fascinating aspects of deep meditation…
which are referred to as ‘Jhana’ states or various types of Samadhi…
Are notable in that one’s awareness becomes very clear…
the mind and body becomes ‘pliant’… a comfy cozy blissful flowing…
like you just drifted off on a cosmic raft.

It’s not an easy thing to do.
It took me, what seemed like countless eons to just
put my toe in these ‘waters’…
After awhile,
They have become a natural part of my ‘sit’.
And still…
It takes quite a bit of effort…
to reach the ‘effortless’ part,
which is the part that sets this facet of meditation
apart from all previous meditations.
For me, at this new stage…
So many aspects of my life need to be in order.
No excessive life dramas, plenty of rest and balance diet,
No ‘partying’ imbibements…
A nap mid-day helps keep the ‘sloth and torpor’ at bay.
Which is essential because the big challenge I find is,
I have to have achieved a non-distracted ‘one pointed’ focus
for long enough…
1 to 3 hours, at this point…
I can begin to … let go…
to allow my focus of meditation drift off the breath and follow the ‘Heart’…
and towards the feelings of Love, joy, bliss, happiness…
This letting go part…
Easily can slide right into …
falling asleep.
As it feels like a similar process we do every night.
The big difference,
Is maintaining a stable sense of awareness while letting go.
When everything is in the ‘flow’…
The truly profound happens…
It’s so profound,
it goes way and beyond what ‘lucid’ means in dreaming…
Lucid in dreaming implies there is some sort of mental control
or thinking going on.
In this state,
There is no thinking going on.
The experience happens…
Wisdoms are being experienced…
But not comprehended while in this state beyond the mind.
Not until the ride dissipates…
Which is timeless by the way,
What sometimes feels like hours…
Goes by in less than15 minuets.
What seems like just a moment…
Can take an hour…
Only after this state dissolves…
And I abide in the afterglow…
Can I even start to contemplate what just happened.
And that process feels like a continuing part of the journey.
I don’t really comprehend or contemplate with my conventional mind
what took place for hours or days later…
Recently though… In the Parvastha ‘After Glow’
Like a dream,
I felt I just experienced….
A 1000 Whispers of Wordless Wisdoms.
If I could put those Wisdom into words…
I would,
The experience was…
All I can show for this experience is…
A sense of equanimity.
And bit closer to knowing my True Self.
While in this state…
The sense of there being a ‘self’ that is in control…
The ‘self’ we all assume is who ‘we’ are…
While it is fading…
The senses of our peripheral awareness still registers…
The birds still chirp,
The ocean waves still ripple past my boat,
The waves still gently or … not so gently roar onto the beach…
They are not happening to a ‘me’…
They just….