You already are what you want to become.
You are a marvel. You are a wonder.
Many of us have been running all our lives.
We have the feeling that we need to run—
into the future, away from the past,
out from wherever we are.
In truth,
we don’t need to go anywhere.
We just need to sit down and look deeply to discover that
the whole cosmos is right here within us.
Our body is a wonder containing all kinds of information.
To understand ourselves is to understand the whole cosmos.
The way out …
is in.
So long as we think we are a separate self,
distinct from the world around us,
we think we can get out of the world.
once we see that we are the world,
that we are made entirely of non-us elements,
we realize that we do not need to go running after anything outside of us.
The world cannot get out of the world.
We already are everything we are looking for.