Antidotes to L Ron’s Buddhist Politics 501

Project 2025

For such an obnoxious blow horn that is a very self aggrandizing

and pretends he is more enlightened than countless others he takes the time of belittle…

He’s is nowhere near Enlightenment!

He makes up his ultra right wing projections about Buddhist Politics 501…


he makes it painfully obvious he does not ‘grok’ even Buddhism 101.

One could not be further from Loving kindness of humbly transcending of one’s ego.

I won’t reprint his ‘drivel’,

but those that have enough morbid curiosity can google search

Buddhist Politics 501


Here are my antidotes to L Ron’s ultra right wing wacko mis beliefs

I’ll lead off with my life long political journey.

I voted for Ronny Reagan.

I bought into his ‘trickle down’ theory…

43 years later only proves how wrong I was to be duped into this

woefully flawed agenda.

The rich got richer, the poor became homeless and the middle class

is just one paycheck from homeless…

also, hindsight is 20/20:

After the deinstitutionalization movement began in California in the 1960s

when Reagan was the governor,

 many state mental health hospitals closed,

forcing many folks who needed a lot of care onto the streets.

Without those facilities,

many mentally ill people ended up in jails and prisons

which are not set up to provide safe, compassionate care for brain illnesses.

But in 1981,

when President Reagan deinstitutionalized the mentally ill

and emptied the psychiatric hospitals into so-called “community” clinics,

the problem got worse.


Since then I voted independent…

I discovered that I was not satisfied with ether party…

I found there was a conundrum…

The conservatives were not conservative and enough

and the liberals weren’t liberal enough…

Expecting someone to come along and be

greater than the sum of both parties combined…

That’s the least we should accept!

When Harry Brown ran in 1996,

I registered as a libertarian and voted that way until Harry’s death.

From then on, I was back to independent…

Voting from my conscious as influenced by the

mindful loving kindness aspects of my spiritual Path.

I feel that a True Spiritual Path should not be so heavily ‘attached’

to any particular political party…

The main objective would be better inline with ‘the Practice’

that dedicates their every action to the betterment of all humanity…

and all beings, including the Earth.

Current conservatives believe that global warming is a hoax

and we should allow the rich to exploit all the resources now

and let our children’s children fend for themselves later.


When one identifies with a particular ‘label’,

then a certain amount of bias filters out at least some critical thinking

at the expense of welfare of the entire human condition.

Although I can tell that your well researched writing begets

the privilege of ‘a voice of authority’, of which I respect….


I also see how your attachment to political labels

blinds you to what the big picture of Spirituality is. 

Even though you may be Enlighted, or at least

way beyond my place of the ‘map’…

The conventional mind is subject to the diversions of bias.


Note that the Bahai Faith encourages their followers to NOT

vote, donate to, or support any particular party…

They encourage their followers to use critical thinking and to

 vote independently for whomever candidate is closest

to their visions of higher human consciousness.


Buddhists are not encouraged to vote, support or donate money

to any particular political party

like the huge amount the Christian Churches do.

This further distorts and distracts followers from seeking

their own true connection with ‘divinity’ or

 a deepening understanding of the ineffable concepts of ‘God’.

I can’t see how anyone that is still capable of any shred of critical thinking

can get behind a candidate that openly

lies, cheats, is a convicted felon, raped a woman in a department store

then did everything he could to slander her…

both offenses he lost in court…

It’s like the church has now declared that ‘god almighty’ himself

now commands that all these unmoral characteristics

are the new standard of christian morality…


To the glee of the misogynistic men of the church are delighted that,

according to the churches adamant support and naming this offensive person as

the 2cd coming of Christ… for chirst’s sake…

now they can have affairs with porn stars and playboy models

whenever their pregnant wife’s seem to disguising for their selfish sexual pleasures…

The combination of ‘church and state’

 has been a bane to humanity since it was created

to be such a devastating farce.


You passionately feel like:
“The modern left has essentially lost its mind,”


Are you that out of touch with reality…

or just

Blinded by your attachment to labels?


I certainly agree on many aspects of this ‘501’ article,

that there are many self-defeating agendas that in which

if either party dominates…

They will roll with their own agendas…

Instead of intelligently working towards a solution that

transcends each of their agendas but

includes the parts that are indeed helpful

for the betterment of all humanity.

Which brings me to the obvious conclusion that…

A lot of work is required to someday formulate a helpful plan

for sustaining humanity and towards the

improvement of the human condition.

Being stuck with an attachment to ether party

is a self-defeating perspective.  

As an independent thinker and voter…

I can see your point as a ‘staunch right winger’ as you say…

I can agree with you assessment of the ‘welfare’ state.

It’s absurd to pay $20 an hour in California

for an entry-level fast-food job.

Like you mentioned,

This sort of nonsense just encourages people to stay stuck in entry level jobs

that were never meant to be lifelong careers.

Instead of overpaying for these jobs,

it would make much more sense to offer paths to career upgrades…

Offer special training, schooling…

whatever it takes for people working up the career path  

to have an easily assessable financial and creatively rewarding career path.

On the issue relating to forcing the rich to pay their fair share

to be akin to the Buddha’s teaching of not stealing…

is quite a reach.

And it ignores his main ambition

to liberate all beings from unnecessary pain and suffering.

Instead of nit-picking about how one feels it’s wrong to

demand that the rich pay their fair share…


we need more well thought out intelligent ways to bring humanity

towards a more sustainable society that can indeed improve the condition

for all humanity.

Being attached to labels keeps people from seeing a problem with

how so few people, the rich,

own so much while most of humanity struggles to just get by.

The bias of label attachment filters one’s perspective

and then comes up comparing things to what the Buddha teaches…

This is a far cry and quite the biased projection.


You mention your concern that the left will become an authoritarian ruling party….

Are you not familiar with the Heritage foundation’s Project 2025 agenda?

Authoritarian rule is one of the biggest ambitions!

We have a candidate that does not believe in the rule of law nor

the aspects of constitution…

He maintains that the 2020 election was stolen,


he’s the one that is responsible for Jan 6th insurrection.

I feel your concerns are misplaced.


Attachment to labels blinds those who can only see through those filters.


We all need to drop attachment to labels, name calling and party bias rhetoric

and put our minds together with a strength of Diversity that has the potential of being

a force for the betterment of all humanity

that is greater than the sum of the individual parts of the political spectrum

The chaos of the conservatives have rendered our government to be at best…

A self-defeating mode of representation.


The Evils of Democratic Governments

A big problem we have today is the results of when

 Reagan got rid of the law that required politicians to tell the truth

and the media to not spread false and misleading propaganda.

Since then,

Lying, cheatings, misinformation and misleading the mentally vulnerable masses

causes the average person to simply have no clue what is right or wrong…

so they ignorantly support agendas they normally would never support.



your concerns with Hilary’s belief that it ‘takes a village’…

You assume that the village will be forced to good

for the betterment of all humanity…

While we have witnessed this year,

The conservatives have changed and abolished a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court

in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States

protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion

without excessive government restriction.

Very recently,

the extremely conservative 6 out of 9 supreme court,

which includes 3 justices that were appointed by trump…


They went against the constitution and has enabled

corrupt and lawless presidents like trump full immunity….

“Like a King”. 

Along with going against what our country was founded on…

“Separation of church and state”.

The conservatives are working real hard to change this country into

a christian nationalist nation.

But oddly…

They do not want a president that actually goes to church

each Sunday of his life.

When they do succeed in converting our country into a

Christian nationalist nation…

It will become very hard for others like you did,

to learn about other religions and spiritual traditions other than…


Trump spent many hours emulating Hitler and idolized his methods
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The Start of 2020

Our business was doing great, but we still couldn’t afford to buy a house or a condo. Renting in Maui for another 30 years was not an option we wanted to take. Then, Bobbie Jo suggested we buy a sailboat that is comfortable to cruise and live in. By the end of January, we started looking for our new home.

After a long search, we found our dream boat in Mazatlan, Mexico. COVID-19 was not yet a concern when our boat hunt began, but masks were starting to appear at airports by the time we flew to Mazatlan. Originally, we had planned to get the boat ready as fast as possible to cover a full calendar for the busy wedding season. However, it was apparent our business was going to tank amid the pandemic, and the struggle went on until the end of the year.

Luckily, we scored an awesome condo for only $19 a day at Mazatlan. On the 10th day of our stay, we received the news that all harbors will be closed the next Monday morning. We thought we’d be stuck in Mexico longer, but another sailor advised us to leave before sunrise.

We felt the adrenalin of escaping the Mexican harbor master just before the sun rose that faithful day. The seas were rough as waves were building up in the tight channel that led us to the open ocean. We ended up anchored off an adorable little isle just a mile offshore. We enjoyed cruising to many spectacular anchorages and cute villages on our way to Puerto Vallarta, where we would depart for Maui on May 7. On May 30, 2020, we completed our 24-day passage from Mexico to Maui.