Take meditation Beyond the Breath
to a place where all your troubles and concerns
can’t follow you
and even if they do
they dissolve the boundless spaciousness of
your True Nature…
the “I am” of Advaita Vedanta

Rigpa of Tibetan Dzogchen
and become so insignificant…
Like helium escaping from a balloon
which can’t get back into the balloon
your troubles can’t get back into your head.
Leaving you in a Peaceful easy feeling of …
Many ‘would be’ aspirants wrongly feel that
Their troubles and challenges keep them from
progressing along the “Path”.
You can use the strength of your challenges
as the strength of your inspiration to go …
Beyond the Breath.
Don’t worry,
Even in the deepest dreamless sleep…
The body breaths.
There’s a lot of things the body does
without the mind having anything to do with those processes.
“The body breaths…”
“You are the boundless spaciousness of Awareness”

Beyond the breath
is your true nature
it feels like a peaceful easy feeling
feels like love, feels like happiness and joy
it’s a bliss beyond words
but it’s formed in part from the
relief of knowing your True Nature
which renders all challenges and
all deeply concerning thoughts as …

Like a movie screen that all sorts of drama play out…
None of the violence and visual destruction effects the screen.
None of the the drama in our materialistic world can effect your True well being.
We strive for this unwavering well being… We call it…

Beyond the Breath
Occurs during the ‘deep-end’ of one’s Spiritual Practice.
In the early stages of one’s meditation practice
The main ‘object of meditation’ is…
The breath.
One simply counts the breath, and keeps their awareness
focused there at the exclusion of all other potential distractions.
Then after some period of experience
One expands their awareness to take notice of the
‘Prana”, “Chi” Qi or ‘life force’ that flows in with the breath
and flows along the energetic channels,
similar to how the Chinees have outlined these
energetic channels for their acupuncture procedures.
This now becomes the new object of meditation,
It is one step closer to an ‘objectless’ focus of meditation.
Once one gains experience with this form of meditation,
One can just sit.
In Zen… it’s called ‘Zazen’.
Advaita Vedanta… the “I am”
Or Rigpa in Dzogchen.
This is when one’s meditation focus goes
beyond the breath and ‘objects’ of meditation
It simply rests or ‘abides’ on that peaceful easy feeling of
Love, Joy and Happiness.
In Sanskrit they call this ‘Parvastha’…

the afterglow of certain meditation practices.
With more experience,
This ‘afterglow’ can be recognized as
The “always glow’,
For it is always there…
It’s just typically veiled by the mind’s diversions.
This can be over come with …
Once this stage of meditation reveals
these higher states of consciousness…
The ‘Practice’ takes on a sort of ‘auto pilot’ flow…
One just sets up the meditational conditions…
And these ‘Jhana’ states take over.

It’s like the gentle pull of a river current,
That when one let’s go… and surrenders to it…
A peaceful, easy feeling of happiness, joy and Bliss
becomes all there is…
And all that matters.
No effort is then required,
The meditator is in the deepest rapture of
The ‘Practice’.
It’s kind of like,
Those rare times when you feel you have
fully awoken from a night’s sleep,
You feel very lucid,
You can’t move… sort of like a paralysis…
But at the next inseparable moment,
You have no desire to move…
And a blissfully peaceful easy feeling
just keeps you floating there…
It’s like that,
Except instead of sort of waking to it from a deep sleep,
You have purposely brought yourself there…
In Meditation.
Meditation is a core component in one’s overall Spiritual practice.
It is within deep meditation that all the previous trainings in
Morality, virtues, philosophy and psychology
All come together to the fruition of the Practice.
You experience what feels like a ‘Divine Bliss’
as ‘Grace’ carries you effortlessly there.
The big difference between this type of Spiritual Practice
and most other religions is:
The Spiritual Path takes you to a ‘place’ or a perspective
within ‘you’
in which you experience this for yourself
as opposed of blindly taking someone else’s word for it.

that ‘expert’ typically comes from an
ancient misogynistic man
living in a cave, that thought the earth was flat,
didn’t know where the sun went at night,
thought slavery was perfectly normal and
women had no rights…
There is a better ‘Way’…
Start a personal Spiritual ‘Practice’.
It’s allows the mind to break free of the mental traps
that we’ve evolved into.
Such as our egos.
Our egos were a critical part of our evolvement
from early apes to relatively intelligent beings.
In modern times,
These same important parts of our evolution
have now become a burden to our further evolution towards
experiencing the higher states of human consciousness.
It is said that:
“If you want to know God – you must know your Self”.
Is a profoundly important step towards
the Ultimate fruition of the “Path”.
Which is
Liberation from the burdens of life’s
inherently troubling challenges
that causes endless and unnecessary pain and suffering
that we allow ourselves to mindlessly endure.

Ignorance can have massively harmful consequences.
It is absurd to see how so many people these daze are…
Willfully Ignorant!
And yet…
Their suffering expands like a snowball rolling down hill
until it engulfs themselves and everyone around them.
They blame it all on a man made up mythic ‘sky god’…
They will say.
“Oh… ya know.
“god” werkz in mysterious ways”
While other more enlightened folks
can only shake their heads and say:
“Common sense… works in mysterious ways”
As it apparently eludes
a disturbingly large percentage of “humanity”
And so it is…
That so many folks that say they are so into “god”…
But yet,
They lack the volition to really find out
what “God” is really all about.
Perhaps the depth of their ‘dupped-ness’
is too much to see past,
Just plain laziness…
Being content to say
they know everything they need to know about ‘god’
by misbelieving that all they have to do for personal salvation
is to simply say:
At the man made up imaginary mythical “pearly Gates”
But I regress.
And back to Reality.

During the higher states of human consciousness,
which blossoms from training the mind to not be distracted by
the endless stream of random thoughts.
When an aspirant first encounters certain states of conscience,
Particularly “Turiya”
It feels so Divinely “God” like that
they are overcome with a deep rapture…
During the experience,
One does not think,
this state is beyond the mind,
Only afterwards when one later contemplates on the experience,
Is when one feels like they’ve really connected with “God”.
At about the next inseparable moment,
They also realize that they are themselves are … “God”.
In then,
In the next inseparable moment
they realize that there is no such object as a ‘God’ and
There is also nothing or no one within their body
that is one’s everlasting True Self…
in fact,
there is no one within us that is actually in control…
think about that… take as long as you need.

All of this identity of being an ‘ego-mind-body’
and whatever is left of any sort of belief in a “God”
Has forever dissolved into the common sense of a new reality.
A new paradigm of perspectives
that although is not yet the Ultimate Liberation,
This breakthrough goes a very long way towards
the liberation of most pain and suffering
we all needlessly endure.
For the aspirant that has heard the ‘calling’
and puts in the ‘Right Effort’…
This all happens in one’s current life.
It boggles the mind why anyone would want to
trust a man made up myth
to bring them salvation after death
instead of pursuing it right here and now.
Just like very few sentient beings are evolved enough
to even vaguely understand the conceptual-less concepts of
Even less have any idea of what really happens after death…
In this life,
is the only time and place any of this matters.

Those fully Liberated know by experience that nothing changes…
Pure awareness is pure awareness,
Just without the limitations of a body.
This perspective is often described
by those that have had a near death experience.

I have many theories of why so many are
content to be duped and stay willfully ignorant
in distractive religions and demagogue politics.
When the answers to all their petitionary prayers
lie in the palm of their own hands…
But yet,
They stay…
Willfully ignorant of the True Spirituality.
Willfully heartless – As is the case of their
most popular political choice of being…

Go Beyond the Breath
There is the refuge of boundless space
That renders all the unnecessary chaos of humanity…
Unable to effect one’s Equanimity.