We’ve relaxed our tensions,
let go of any non-present moment objects
like the past or the future…
But those thoughts just keep popping up in our monkey mind.
This is when it is helpful to just have one object of meditation…
The breath.
This is a good place to understand that
the best way to being able to sit in pure awareness,
or follow only the breath without mental distractions,
is to resolve any issues that arise in your day as soon as possible.
The more you worry about something during the day,
the more this worry will affect your sleep, dreams, and mediation.

This goes for all kinds of things our egos do,
often without our ability to stop our wild thoughts of rage
into becoming an action that we can never take back.
~ ~ ~
A Spiritual Practice is much more than
just a long sitting mediation in the morning,
It’s an all-day Practice of Mindfulness
based on the core principals of Loving Kindness
through morals and virtues.
At some point during the day, reflect on your thoughts
and about how you perceive things.
Are you mentally coming from a place of
peaceful wellbeing and unconditional love?
Are you thinking in self-aggrandizing ways? or
Are you thinking about fears, distrust, jealousy, anger, greed…
Are you wallowing in your own grief and continuously thinking that
“god” and the entire universe was created just to make you miserable?
With all do respect…. No one is that important.
~ ~ ~
Become mindful of your thoughts throughout your day,
particularly while interfacing with others.
Be mindful of unproductive thoughts caused by an over sensitive ego.
Resolve this ‘wrong thinking’ as soon as possible,
you won’t have a mess with ‘wrong speech’ and ‘wrong actions’ that will
spontaneously spew out from always abiding in ‘wrong view’.

Unresolved issues that arise in the day, build up
to negatively affect one’s sleep, dreams, and meditation.
They also build up in our life as psychological ‘shadow issues’.
When left unresolved,
all of life’s shadows typically will make their presents known
as one approaches the end of this life.

Hospice professionals that help folks that are in their final days,
often report of hellacious moaning, crying…
patients hysterically overwhelmed with fear
of what is to come after this life
because of some manner of guilt, regret, remorse…
like a nightmare, right until the end.
That’s no way to go out, no matter what one projects the ‘after this life’ to be.
~ ~ ~
During the day, just be mindful of your thoughts, speech and actions.
Come from a place of humbled ego, allow loving kindness to be your flow.

Be the ‘Evolutionary’,
always considering what is best for the higher good,
than just our self-serving ambitions.
Find common ground with others as you go about your flow.
You’ll learn more by listening than talking.
You don’t always have to be right,
In fact,
proving that you are right with someone
that can’t comprehend the issue they are arguing about
is a non-starter. Realize this soon…
Listening… really listening.
As your Path deepens, so does your meditations.

Like a ‘virtuoso’,
one will find ways to subtly quite the mind until amazing things are experienced.
When done right, at deeper stage of meditation, it becomes effortless.

Next, the breath starts to disappear as a nimitta arises.
For beginners,
it is usually grey smoke color appearing in front of them.
Sometimes it like a kaleidoscope of visionary patterns
somewhat like when your rub you eyes deeply.
When this occurs, the instruction is to concentrate on the natural breath;
and gradually… then, the breath and nimitta will become one.
In this stage the mind usually stays focused automatically,
Allowing the most profound stages of deep meditation to arise naturally.
This perception precedes the appearance of an entirely clear and static image called the “counter-image” or “counter-sign” (the patibhaga-nimitta).
The appearance of this third type of nimitta signals the appearance of neighborhood or
access concentration, the state that precedes full jhanic absorption.

Full jhanic absorption is basically the ‘Enlightenment’ the Buddha experienced
and has been taught by Buddhist ever since.
This can be achieved by anyone that puts in the ‘Right effort’.
Regardless of how profound the fruition of full jhanic absorption can be,
Any stage along the way will reveal a Bliss beyond measure
that makes each step of this Path a reason to
‘Be Here Now’.

I express personal spiritual fulfillment in the Luv Biz.
Come to Hawaii to fulfill your dreams of Marital Bliss on a tropical island.
Spirit practiced with Aloha.