Flies and Blue Skies was written by the progressive hard rock band ‘King’s X’.
I recorded my acoustic version live on my sailboat 5-9-23.
This song speaks to how in life…
The good and the bad all walk this earth together.
The bad of course make life for the good unnecessarily… bad.
~ ~ ~
This planet has the resources to feed all of us in abundance.
We have enough smart people to engineer a societal design that would create a life free from the burdens of deficiencies that get more challenging every generation.

We have squandered what once was ‘infinite potential’ in favor of divisive hate rhetoric… Pitting each of us against the other in a self-defeating vicious cycle of despair.
While we continue to allow the rich to exploit our finite resources for mindless short-term gain. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We are once again burdened with another election cycle.
It has never been more obvious which party is for the ultra-rich and which party is for… Humanity.
The clever bastards of the gop have figured out how to manipulate the mentally vulnerable
by enticing them with an official ‘call of duty’
to find differences in each other and fly the now ‘patriotic middle finger’
towards anyone that does not buy into the gop’s demagogue rhetoric like they do.

Since tRump came into his destructive presence…
Hate speech and violence to anyone that is perceived to be different and Gun violence has sky rocketed from the time when Clinton had in place a reasonable gun law.

Now, after every new major gun massacre…
instead of finding intelligent ways for our children’s children
to have the promise of a kinder gentler existence…
The gop goes the other way by making it easier & easier to get their hands on assault rifles
and shoot innocent people…
claiming it’s their ‘god given right’ and the 2cd amendment.
They claim to be prolife.
So they continue to strip away the rights of women
so they are now forced to have unwanted pregnancies,
remove any medical benefits that would help the unfit mothers with child care and health care.
The evil genius of the gop has in one fell swoop
made their supporters completly terrified of many things they’ve made up…
Including calling any thing that is good for society… bad – like communism/socialism.
But, at the same time,
they have convinced their supporters that
the governments of communist authoritarian countries are how the US should move to.
When Tucker Carlson broadcasted from Hungary,
where an authoritarian leads mercilessly and controls his country with an iron fist;
Carlson was telling his million’s of mentally vulnerable viewers that
getting rid of the free press, censoring all media, jailing any one that speaks out…
is great for the conservative agenda.
And they all buy it.
If ‘we the people’ were collectively evolved enough…
Our ‘2 party’ system of government would result in representation that is
better than the sum of its parts…
There is strength in diversity. But instead…
We are stuck on stupid.
We are not collectively evolved enough for a simple 2 party system.
The demagogue politicians have undermined any chance of fair politics
that put ‘we the people’ at the center of their ambitions.
Corporate Money in politics has corrupted any chance of reasonable representation.
Our military industrial complex that President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s warned us about
in his Farewell Address (1961) has come to a destructive self-defeating problem
that threatens to collapse the empire we’ve created.

The U.S. has the largest unnecessary military on the planet,
greater than the next 26 nations combined, 25 of which are its allies.
In the fiscal year 2023 on-budget allocations totaled $858 billion,
which does not include emergency discretionary and supplemental expenditures
which have raised that total to well over $1.5 trillion in total defense-related spending.
the gop will not consider spending less on this big fat elephant in the room.
They want to spend less on critical investments for ‘we the people’.
~ ~ ~
I used to be a republican…
Then I turned to the ultra-conservative Libertarian party.
Naively thinking that when Harry Brown becomes president,
he’d shrink the government down by 90%,
thus reducing political corruption by the same amount.
Pipe dreams.
When Harry Brown passed away,
I was inspired to look deeply into what can really help the human condition.
I invite everyone to do the same.