I was inspired to rewrite this King’s X song with lyrics that help me vent my frustrations with our challenges with demagogue politicians and their misled supporters…
tis da season :-O Spread the voices of Reason!
The only thing at stake is… EVERYTHING.

Voting, in a race to close for comfort. Listening, to all the gibberish around me.
wonder, how much longer I can stand it. Looking, for common sense I cannot find.
Like a politician I despise, screws the people for a buck and smiles.
While the duped morons support him …
in augh Merica lost in augh Merica

Swimming, in an ocean of ignorance. Watching, the quality of life slip past us.
Laughing, to keep from crying out in anger. Praying, that I can make it through this life.

We’re at the mercy of the mentally weak, but I learn to turn the other cheek and smile
While I see they’re all in denial in
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Shooting, at a target that alludes me. Hammering, on a nail that just won’t go in
Biting, on a tongue that wants to speak out. Searching, for a light that I can shine.
But now they have a crossed that moral line, and I wonder if a plan we’ll ever find
Because I did not understand in
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~ ~ ~
Misogyny, is a farce that should not exist. Stupidity, is the the rage that’s all around me.
supremacy coming from those so un~evolved. Intolerance, will surely drowned us all
~ ~ ~
To evolve we never will, if we continue to have no good will
Now they have doomed the environment… and our ship is going down in
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Be pro life! says a god that demands genocide. Noah, was very lucky to have survived
Abortion, not for the mentally vulnerable. Intelligence, is a fastly fading phase.
~ ~ ~
The big F-you is so easily promoted. Love you is now demoted.
Homelessness grows while the rich get richer… ln
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Complacency, A country blissfully ignorant, of all the shit, that’s coming down on us
Don’t look up! so you can stay in denial.
Drink your light beer, and pray to God your team will win.

Like an ostrich with his head in a hole, so many act like they have no soul.
Mindlessly supporting the division of the whole in
augh Merica lost in augh Merica augh Merica lost in augh Merica