Green Mountain State – by Trevor Hall.
I recorded this on my sailboat Chat d’O.
View this song with a slide show of photos taken while sailing the west side of Lanai, Hawaii.
In many spiritual traditions they believe in some form of reincarnation.
In many Hindu traditions, they practice the Dharma and follow a Sadhana that offers liberation from the inherent pain & suffering caused by not knowing our True Self or the Absolute Reality of what’s before & after this life… the philosopher’s quintessential “meaning of Life”.
They believe this process will take a long time… many lifetimes.
They assume that it will take more lifetimes than there are leaves on a forest of trees.
So in this song, “I call to the ladders and leaves.”
“I call on the ones we don’t see”.
This about the seeker that is curious how many life times will it take before ‘Enlightenment’ is achieved, calling on the transcended Masters for those Wisdoms.
Serious ‘seekers’ will no doubt find a ‘Way’…
A ‘Way’ that is revealed in one’s ‘Inner Silence’ that regardless of how far along towards the Enlightened to our True Self Realization…
That this holy, Divine, Sacred, Absolute state of Being…
Is Always Already Alright.
There is nothing “we” … our egos, can do to mess up this ‘almighty Divinity’ that is
our True Nature.
We can suffer our whole lives with the ignorance of our True nature,
like most people in this life do.
But that won’t have any effect on what comes next.
Whatever does come next will remain beyond the ability of mere spoken or written words to describe.
For the curious ‘seeker’ that applies the ‘Right Effort’,
there are ‘Ways’ to get a deeper understanding of these ineffable Wisdoms…
But even the most profoundly ‘Enlightened’ ones will not be able to
simply tell someone exactly what it will feel like….
At best,
they can only point towards a direction to take your Path that will reveal more & more such ‘Wisdoms’.

The song mentions:
“In the house way down by the lake…
A story told in a mystic way.”
The Thailand Forest Monk – Ajahn Chan describes quieting the mind like a ‘still forest pond’.
Then, its reflections become Pure.

The photos were taken from our sailboat while sailing on the west side of Lanai.
We have sailed over 35,000 miles so far not counting my decades of windsurfing obsessions…
You could say that…
“My song was born on the wind” …
Like the 10-day Spiritual journey called Vipassana…
With my nautical lifestyle … I create a ‘Seapassana’… a spiritual place I call home.