Putting a ‘Voice’ to Mental Mind Processes
These Voices that represent the many facets of our thought processes
Fall into a few main category types.
The Guardians

Have instinctually become the animalistic sense of ‘self’
In charge of protecting the ‘self’
The Controller

Wants to control everything, loss of control is a big concern
Wants to control self, then others, then everything, even control time if it could…
That’s his job description and the job is done thoroughly
Why does controller control one’s self?
if the controller doesn’t control the self,
the universe will put ‘the self’ under control by the police, laws, embarrassment…
The self feels entrapped, confined, bored, Totally un-appreciates the controller …
This makes the controller feel bad, betrayed…
You now have to control harder! It feels threatening which manifests as a ‘cringe’,
We shrug it off subconsciously but we feel it as tight muscle or an ache here or there…
You control because? – To protect.
While speaking As a controller
‘you’ – Your facilitator voice – will need to get permission to speak with another voice …
“May I now speak to the voice of…”
The Protector

Protects me, the self from? …
Attack, Uncertainty, Self Doubt, Risks, Danger…
Danger is Anywhere and always lurking around the corner, might even be
Sleeping with the enemy...while in a ‘toxic relationship.
Physical, Emotional and Mental Pain,
Looking good, shame, bosses & authoritative persons, getting too excited,
or having too many good feelings, disappointment, loss,
You not only protect the self, you also protect the family,
You also have to protect the self from the self, because the self can get too high,
too depressed, drink too much, eat too much, let the body go to far…
Protect from getting out of control – anger might lose control,
greed, competitiveness, growth, lust, jealousy…
And protect others from the self!
It is a big full time job being the protector – Exhausting!
So to protect, the protector creates barriers & walls, borders, boundaries,…
When a barrier is breached, we sound the alarm, try to repair it then …
Build a bigger wall… and Bigger… until …
You finally build a dome…

How does the self feel about what the protector does?
The self feels constrained, imprisoned by the protector.
The protector does not feel good about the self’s non appreciating.
But still the job of the protector is to protect all the other voices
But we often ‘disown’ our ‘mental departments…
Like children,
no one would think of locking them away tin the basement and ignore them,
Same with our mind’s voices.
The guardians teams with the protector with
The Skeptic

The Skeptic’s job is to question everything – to doubt everything
Is the voice constantly is looking for… ‘what’s in it for me…
Keeps the self from doing silly things…
The self is so gullible, but the skeptic is very bright and smells out &
seeks out insane stuff the self will fall victim of.
Skeptical of others, the self’s abilities – also protects from being skeptical.
The skeptic is skeptical of the other voices, skeptical of the self,
The skeptic is the main barrier to enlightenment

The voice of fear –is always shouting ‘be afraid’, Fear is not appreciated by the self
I don’t need appreciation, it’s my duty, full time job, I fear because they are dangers.
Afraid of death, change, animation, being found out, afraid of uncertainty but then
Also afraid of certainty.
Afraid to find out who I am. Afraid of disappointment, afraid I might be nothing, ….
Constantly alert to fear – job is to raise the alarm, tell the self to get out run, fight or flight…
One of the real & import jobs of fear is to simply be aware of one’s surroundings,
(at the very least one will stumble or injure themselves less.)
The self will try to disown fear… Ignore, destroy & get rid of you
Protects the self from portraying a sign of weakness the victim has
The fear is that I won’t have the courage
The fear also helps the protector
The Victim

The victim’s Job is – to Blame, blame everybody else AND the self at time
You are persecuted by everybody else.
So I the victim has emotions that lead to despair,
that then lead to death.
That’s why the self must have control – speak with a disowned voice of your ‘Victim’
The world is unfair, love telling my story, needs more protection, nobody understands,
Why does it keep happening to me, I didn’t have a choice, tired of fighting,
I just don’t have the energy to fix it.
I hold the suffering… Or at least the story of being the victim
Very righteous, the victim requires the ego to work for me because I am the victim,
I am powerless, I give & give & nobody appreciates it,
The voice of – Resistance

Has only one job – That is to Resist – It silently shouts
Usually not heard by the ‘self’ but felt almost continuously as on going tensions in the body,
lack of energy, drowsy, spacing out,
absent mindedness and trouble paying attention.
I’m protecting the self by not letting the victim out,
It will lead to death, depression, despair, weakness,
The Protector will not allow the victim out
The Damaged Self

Feels worthless, the self is stronger because I take the damage,
I was the excuse to write other voices – used as the excuse – takes every bullet, rejection,
takes in the hurt, and when that bullet flies you jump right in front of it.
You are a hero, but you are damaged, no glory, It’s just what I do – be damaged –
You collect all the damage.
Damage is not the victim of the story, you take all the shit, but don’t even get to tell the story.
Somebody else would have been hurt, but you take all the hits so that
all the other voices are perfect, whole and undamaged.
The self will try to fix you,
but you can’t be fixed because that’s what damage does… damage is.
“We do these exercises so to separate ourselves from our various ‘voices‘ “
The Fixer

Wants to fix the damaged self –
I don’t want to be ‘done’ – fix one thing & find another thing to fix.
If you fix the self then you want to others…
If it wasn’t for me they’d all be broken, I can fix the universe, I can fix anything,
I don’t just try – I Do, I’m a perfectionist, I can always make it better
The Vulnerable and Innocent Child

Powerless, naive, I trust everyone, the world is a mystery,
pure, vulnerable child,
you are unharmed, you trust you’ll be taken care of,
You offer Fun, Innocents, Creativity, Joy, New-ness, Specialty, Aliveness, Carefree, Curious, Open, Wonder, Sensitive, Honest, Integrity, Loving, Delighted, Open…
You offer spontaneity,…
What part of ‘us’ is this voice, it’s the true self, true nature
True essence before the shit hit the fan. Rich, abundant, free,
Free to invent possibilities.
All the other voices try to protect the vulnerable child.
It’s all about protecting this voice.
—- Sit as the vulnerable child —
Peaceful, Joyful, Exciting, Pure
~ “This Is meditation” ~
The Voices of Freedom

These are the voices that take us beyond our current situation or understanding of life
When we feel the ‘Inner Pull’ towards something that is so close…
yet so much more than we can conceive or comprehend.
To find that ‘Source’ of our Inner Pull’…
there must be a ‘Way’
The voice of Desire

I crave, I can’t get enough, I’m needy, always more, I yearn,
I yearn for the next thing that will make me happier
Insatiable Desire can become aggressive – Nothing gets in my way of gaining my goal,
Buddha says you’re the cause of suffering,
Where would the self be without desire?
You desire food, shelter… Desire is essential –
The self does try to eliminate you or not let you out of the control’s control.
How do you cause suffering??
You attach to what you desire, you attach to things that are pleasurable
and desire those things that bring pleasure
and you avoid pain.
When one clings to a ‘desired’ outcome,
it sends a big message to ‘the self’ that
The self can Not be happy until the goal or goals are successfully achieved.
Once one desire IS fulfilled, a new one or a new group of desires
will keep one from ever being
at one with the moment.
The Seeking Mind

I seek enlightenment, I seek to understand, a better way of life, seeking the escape from pain.
I seek what the desire desires. I seek the wisdom to seek further
Always seek I carry desire to a higher level
The Mind that Seeks the Way

I’m discerning, somewhat unfulfilled, frustrated with the ups & downs.
Devoted to keep seeking…. You are seeking ‘the way’
The way is wisdom, the highest potential for all mankind I seek meaning, purpose, peace,
By seeking this it gives this to ‘the self’.
“The mind that seeks the way is awoken,”

(and you are now awoken because I’m speaking to you)
Gives meaning and purpose, motivation, direction,
The Self likes to Cling or Grasp.

The mind that seeks the way is awoken and offers the Bodhi mind to the conscious mind.
The very ‘seeking’… Is the Way.
But then you will never be satisfied,
but then you’ll never be stuck in a rut because you will always….
Seek a new way.
Zen masters say ‘life is a circle’,

No matter where you are
If you’re near the end it just becomes the beginning again, and again…
But don’t get stuck where ever you are, keep moving.
~ Dukkha ~
To be Stuck in a viscous cycle’
is often translated and felt as “suffering,”
The Follower of the Way

I follow the way – You need direction
What has to be, so for you to follow the way –
You need to get a glimpse of ‘the way’… Or at least traces of ‘the way’.
I need something to give me an idea of which ‘way’ I should follow.
Sometimes the self gets stuck,
but the follower of the way is always following.
The Follower of the Way
Must control the self to continue the way.
To follow the way you must submit to the way.
Must surrender :
Fear, Control , Desires, Certainty, Attachment to what ‘The Way’ should look like.
‘Sit now as the follow the way’ – …
Feels like freedom, sinking into it, it’s easy…
It heals itself
~ Transcendent Voices – The Way ~

The ability to put our egos into a proper perspective
is an inherent quality of a psychologically healthy person.
These voices are presented here separately only for
the exercise of clear learning and understanding,
For they are Not separate.
They can be intuitively felt as an ‘Inner Pull’ or a Knowingness
as they whisper subtly to the ‘self’
The Way
Stillness, nothing to do, beings, I’m everywhere, home, full and empty, quiet,
Everything fits
The other voices are gone
Time and space disappear, infinite and eternal,
You are at one with your way.
Sense of clarity,
Peace, gratitude, welcoming of everything, appreciation,
To have this consciousness every part of the day,
Embrace everyone and everything with compassion,
No judgment, and I can embrace the self.
Boundless – I’m ‘Awake’.
Totally present and in the moment. It’s effortless.
The ‘effort’ was the seeking.
Why is it so hard for the self to find you?
~ Big Mind ~

The Big Mind is and encompasses all the departments of the mind.
No boundaries. No Parameters. There’s no limit what can be sensed,
‘Big Mind’ Does Not suffer, No desires, No seeking &….
Big Mind is timeless, … Unborn & Undying –
There is nothing that can be feared.
As big mind
Look at the self – what do you see?
a part of me, a mental construct of me, the self is a contraction of me,
it’s all an expression of me, it’s all of me,
All the time.
When the self wants to feel like it is the Big Mind…
The self is finite & big mind is infinite,
the self is limited, big mind is not.
There is nothing that big mind is lacking or desires or seeks
~ Big Heart ~

Sit & think of how different Big Heart is from big mind –
instead of emptiness I experience love, embrace everyone, compassionate, but not clinging….
For everything.
Unconditional excepting love, you take care of the self and everything, alleviate pain & suffering.
Want’s to bond with everyone & liberate all beings…
Has compassion, yet,
Is emotionally detached from the pain of the emotions,
Pain, suffering, sadness… it just not a relevant or applicable condition of
Big Heart.

Completing the Great Spiritual Circle of Life
The Vision of a Spiritual Kosmos
Integrating the Ascending Love of ‘Above’ – ‘Eros’
and the Descending Love From Above – ‘Agape’
Embraced – so that Eros is balanced with agape
Love and Concern for Each other is Preeminent
Masculine and Feminine – Yin and Yang
Wisdom and Compassion
Emptiness and Form coming together in an ecstatic embrace
that only Two Souls In True Love can share
Big Heart’s
Yin Compassion

Feminine Compassion aspect – all is well and all things shall be well,
the Yin embraces everyone equally.
How do you heal the damaged self – love & heal, nurture it, let it be itself,
everything will be ok, you don’t fix it, you just embrace and love it.
Yang Compassion

The masculine, very decisive, you can be ruthless when needed,
Tough love, encouraging, bring courage, love and strength, direction,
You can offer discipline when appropriate.
You offer the self – confidence, power to Be…
Free of damage
~ The Fully Integrated Free Functioning Human Being ~
The Master of All Voices
The one responsible, takes responsibility, always at home, always awake
Can’t be deceived by any of the voices…
Powerful clarity & full of wise choices, loving, adaptive,
I accept my reality, it’s fun,

American Zen Master Genpo Roshi
~ Zen Master D ~
Dennis Paul Merzel
Completed the Zuisse Ceremony at Sojiji and Eiheiji Temples in Japan,
signifying the recognition of the authenticity of his Dharma transmission
by the governing body of Soto Zen Buddhism in Japan,
becoming the third Zen Priest outside Japan to be offered the title of
Dai Osho (Great Priest) in the Soto Zen Tradition.
In 1999 He created the Big Mind process
This is having profound results in many fields, including psychotherapy, law, medicine, education, mediation, business, athletics, social work, family therapy, and work with prison inmates,
hospital patients and the dying.