Mindful breathing is a wonderful way to
calm the body and your feelings, and to restore stillness and peace.
It’s not difficult to breathe mindfully. Anyone can do it — even children.
When you breathe mindfully, you bring your whole body and mind into harmony,
concentrating on the wonder of the breath.

Our breathing is as beautiful as music.
Breathing in, you know you are breathing in.
You bring all your attention to your in – breath.
As you breathe in, there is peace and harmony in the whole body.
As you breathe out, you know you are breathing out.
As you breathe out, there is calming, relaxation, and letting go.
You allow all the muscles in your face and shoulders to relax.

Breathing like this is mindfulness, and as you sustain mindfulness,
that is concentration. Wherever there is concentration, there is insight —
a breakthrough — bringing more peace, understanding, love, and
joy into your life. Before we continue, let us enjoy a few moments
to listen to the music of our breathing together.

Breathing in, I enjoy my in – breath.
Breathing out, I enjoy my out-breath.
Breathing in, my whole body is harmonized with the in-breath.
Breathing out, my whole body is calmed with the out-breath.
Breathing in, my whole body enjoys the peace of my in-breath.
Breathing out, my whole body enjoys the relaxation of my out-breath.
Breathing in, I enjoy the harmony of my in – breath.
Breathing out, I enjoy the harmony of my out-breath.
“Zenfully Quool Quotes”… Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
My aim is to present a deeper, higher, wider, non-theological perspective
into common sense Spirituality
that most of us folks raised in the ‘west’ never get introduced to,