We need to use our mindfulness, concentration, and insight
in order to understand
what it means to be alive and what it means to die.
We can speak of scientific and spiritual discoveries as “insights”
and the practice of nourishing and sustaining those insights as
With the insights of science and spirituality,
we have an opportunity in the twenty-first century
to conquer the root causes of suffering in human beings.
If the twentieth century was characterized by individualism and consumption,
the twenty-first century can be characterized by
the insight of interconnectedness,
and by efforts to explore new forms of solidarity and togetherness.
Meditating on the seven concentrations enables us to see everything in
the light of interdependence, freeing us from our wrong views and
breaking down the barriers of a discriminating mind.
The freedom we seek is not the kind of freedom that is self-destructive
or destructive of other nations or the environment,
but the kind of freedom that liberates us from our
loneliness, anger, hatred , fear, craving, and despair.
“Zenfully Quool Quotes”…
Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
My aim is to present
a deeper, higher, wider, non-theological perspective
into common sense Spirituality
that most of us folks raised in the ‘west’ never get introduced to,
to fulfill life’s most intriguing questions…