

Is There a Life After This One?

I have been asked many times… “When I die, will I be reunited with my...

Buddha’s Noble Eight-Fold Path – Part 3

Buddha's Noble Eight-Fold Path - Integrate Right View and Right Intention with “Right speech, Right...

They Say Money is the Root of All Evil

However, The lack of it sure feels like ‘hell’ :-O Someday, if humanity lasts long...

Every Being Born has an Inherent Inspiration to Seek the True Meaning of Life

Man on top of a mountain standing contemplates the Meaning of Life All ''God's" children...

Buddha’s Noble Eight-Fold Path – Part 4

“Right Effort” The power of sustained concentration, itself required as the support for insight-wisdom. Wisdom...

Buddha’s Noble Eight-Fold Path – Part 2

In an open minded non-denominational light, there are some profound Truths to be found in...

Buddha’s Noble Eight-Fold Path – Part 5

“The development of Wisdom”. Though right concentration claims the last place among the factors of...

Deepen Your Spiritual Path with Buddha’s Noble Eight-Fold Path – Part 1

Most of the issues in life, we choose to martyr ourselves unnecessarily in pain &...

The Myths, Magic, and Miracles in the Bible Should Be Viewed as ‘Metaphors’

Instead of taking the myths, magic, and miracles in Bible as the literal truth, they...

By Any Name One Calls Divinity… It is still the Same and Only ‘Divinity’

When “God’s” children argue, divide their country and go to wars to kill and hurt...