A Bi-Partisan Plan to Save Our County… and the World!

Get Money Out of Political Campaigns!

The problem with most counties, especially “amuraka”… is…

We don’t get to vote for the person who is the most capable at creating a society

that will improve the human condition.

We only get to vote for the one that is best at campaign fund raising.


A gop demagogue politician will seek huge corporations

that would benefit from unscrupulous political favors

that usually add to the challenges of humanity

like incessantly drilling for more & more oil like tRump incessantly states,

and certainly will undermine future generations so that

the rich that own the mega corporations with their

highly influenceable campaign donations

can get richer now with no regard for a sustainable future.

These dazes,

The average presidential candidate will spend over a billion $$ on marketing.

With this kind of mega marketing, the demagogues can take advantage of

the mentally vulnerable voters and easily squash any good ideas from

the few politicians that work so hard to improve the human condition.

We shouldn’t have a government that is allowed to

take advantage of the mentally vulnerable and under educated.


we have a government that selects its candidates based on money,

so we get the demagogue politician that is only in it for

self-serving agendas, profits and their ego trips.

The demagogue politicians’ focus is on these two groups of voters.

~ ~ ~

Not all of us are mentally vulnerable and under educated…

A lot of us are just simply too busy trying to earn a living

and survive in this crazy world and simply don’t have the time to be

razor focused on every issue a slick demagogue politician

tries to rally us into a rage with.

And furthermore, 

Even the ones that get duped into supporting the downfall of democracy

while being labeled as a patriot, are voting againts their very own best intrists,

complexly ignorant that they are supporting

the complete ruin of our environment and screwing their children out of

a chance to have the nice life we enjoyed,

Unknowing that each generation is enduring a dramatic downward shift towards


These folks really do love their children

and hope the best for their futures,


They just can’t put the pieces together to see the big picture.

The demagogues have them completely dupped.


Rather than unite our country

and utilize the power and strength of diversity…

The demagogue’s insidious mode of operation is

to divide the voters and make them hate and distrust the other voters

in the BS view of being a “patriot”.

At best,

We have a self-defeating mode of representation.

Each year,

the dysfunctionality of the gop (my former party)

is creating a dangerous precedent that will eventually have

a profound and devastating outcome to

life as we once knew it.

It’s not a question of if…

It’s only a matter of time.

The solution is very easy to understand…


Because of narcissistic, self-serving greed and over blown egos…

The simple solution will remain Impossible to enact.

So enjoy yourself while you still can.

~ ~ ~

The solution:

We simply get money out of politics.


Since the politicians make the rules and create the laws…

Common sense, intelligent governing

will never happen in our country as it is being run.

The demagogue politicians won’t do it because

that’s the only way they win.

The good guys won’t do it because if only they do it,

then the demagogues win by default.

~ ~ ~

But just imagine… if you will…

If the demagogues didn’t have a billion $$ dollar marketing machine,

they would have a much harder time

trying to fool the mentally vulnerable voters.

Without the need to be the best campaign fund raiser

and good at manipulating the mentally vulnerable…

Real life, common sense intelligent ways

to best manage our country and societies

will be required.

1 – get money out of politics!

2 – Use only tax money for campaigning –

all qualified candidates would have equal time on

 public radio, internet, and TV.

3 – Everything stated by all candidates would be fact checked.

If fake news, mis or dis information is determined,

then the candidate will need to clarify his mistake

on every available media outlet that is would be in place for campaigning.

We would quickly rid ourselves of the demagogue, self-serving dim wits

that are only in it for themselves, only good at campaign fund raising

and fooling the mentally vulnerable.

When you watch an All Star baseball game,

you can bet that each player deserves to be on the team

and contributes to the success of that team.

Each plan to win the game is a good and useful one.

With our government,

It is completely the opposite…

It’s all about money and fooling people to vote for them.


The most qualified intelligent people in our country

stay far away from politics, because

it’s currently not about who has the best ways

to craft a country and society for sustainability

and the improvement of the human condition.

If we simply get money out of politics and enforce ‘fact checking’…

Like an All Star baseball team,

We would then see a list of candidates that are

all good for humanity, our country, and the world.

But until then…

We are on a one-way stumble towards oblivion.

~ ~ ~

I have found my own ‘work around’

to help me handle the unnecessary chaos that is all around us…

And that is…

To be grateful.

Yes! Grateful.

I am sincerely grateful that I had a chance to enjoy a good life so far

with many interesting careers and now at 62,

I’m old enough to know I won’t be around

to see it all fall completely into oblivion.

Nor go too crazy about why we are collectively voting to do so on purpose.

Each new headline that shows the world and our country

sliding inescapably towards oblivion…

I just say.

Wow, despite all the chaos,

I am sooo grateful for what I’ve experienced

and the peace I find in the moment…

the ever-present moment that has no concern for the past or the future.


The above would save our country,

This solution to follow could save the planet.

It’s insane that on a planet with limited resources,

‘we’ have collectively created an economy that is based on

exploiting our resources,

and if we don’t exponentially exploit our limited resources,

our economies will fail.

But if our economies don’t fall…

the planet’s eco system will fail.

Humanity has collectively chosen a lose-lose mode of chaos.

Simply put,

A very few of ultra rich own just about all of planet’s resources.

Once we get money out of politics…

We need to get rid of money worldwide.

Once get control of our over blown egos…

There could be a day when we live intelligently.

And simply manage our resources intelligently.


It seems we are hell bent on trying every other way first.

We currently have the savvy to do this in about 5 years.


Our attachment to egos and narcissistic demagogue politicians…

It would be more reasonable to assume it would take 100 years.



There are a lot of other countries that have

An attachment to egos and narcissistic demagogue politicians…


1000 years from now,

we could be living in a world that is managed Intelligently.


Since we are collectively seduced by them thar sexy irresistible Hyper Sonic Nukes

that can obliviate our imagined enemies faster than the speed of sound…

As long as this nuke ‘em ‘till they glow fetish prevails…

It’s not a question of if we will obliviate the entire planet…

It’s just a question of… When will we egotistically, purposely or accidently

Nuke the whole world into oblivion.


It would be more accurate to guess that

it will take humanity 10,000 years to get along intelligently.


If we do render ourselves nearly extinct with those irresistibly sexy nukes…

It will take another 90,000 years to clean up the mess,

evolve and then


We just might possibly be able to get along intelligently

in about 100,000 years…

If we don’t completely exterminate ourselves first.


if can’t resist the sexy attraction of full global nuclear destruction

this article will help sooth the astonished mind.

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The Start of 2020

Our business was doing great, but we still couldn’t afford to buy a house or a condo. Renting in Maui for another 30 years was not an option we wanted to take. Then, Bobbie Jo suggested we buy a sailboat that is comfortable to cruise and live in. By the end of January, we started looking for our new home.

After a long search, we found our dream boat in Mazatlan, Mexico. COVID-19 was not yet a concern when our boat hunt began, but masks were starting to appear at airports by the time we flew to Mazatlan. Originally, we had planned to get the boat ready as fast as possible to cover a full calendar for the busy wedding season. However, it was apparent our business was going to tank amid the pandemic, and the struggle went on until the end of the year.

Luckily, we scored an awesome condo for only $19 a day at Mazatlan. On the 10th day of our stay, we received the news that all harbors will be closed the next Monday morning. We thought we’d be stuck in Mexico longer, but another sailor advised us to leave before sunrise.

We felt the adrenalin of escaping the Mexican harbor master just before the sun rose that faithful day. The seas were rough as waves were building up in the tight channel that led us to the open ocean. We ended up anchored off an adorable little isle just a mile offshore. We enjoyed cruising to many spectacular anchorages and cute villages on our way to Puerto Vallarta, where we would depart for Maui on May 7. On May 30, 2020, we completed our 24-day passage from Mexico to Maui.